archived R/PITold.R

# PIT <- function(x, = c("Poisson", "mixed-Poisson","neg-Binomial", "gen-Poisson"),
#                 gauss.series = c("AR","FARIMA","MA"),
#                 estim.method = c("particlesSIS","particlesSISR"),
#                 H = NULL,
#                 p=NULL, d=NULL, q=NULL, n.mix=NULL, n=NULL, theta=NULL, phi=NULL, tht=NULL, ...)
# {
#   # DEFINE a cdf function from input. Make sure it accepts a vector
#   #        valued input.
#   if("Poisson"){
#     cdf = function(x, theta){ ppois(q=x, lambda=theta[1]) }
#     pdf = function(x, theta){ dpois(x, lambda=theta[1]) }
#   }  else if("mixed-Poisson"){
#     if(is.null(n.mix)) stop("you must specify the number of Poissons to mix,
#                             n.mix, to use")
#     if(n.mix==1) stop("n.mix must be greater than 1")
#     if(n.mix==2){
#       cdf = function(x, theta){
#         theta[1]*ppois(x, theta[2]) + (1-theta[1])*ppois(x, theta[3])
#       }
#       pdf = function(x, theta){
#         theta[1]*dpois(x, theta[2]) + (1-theta[1])*dpois(x, theta[3])
#       }
#     }
#     if(n.mix>2) stop("mixed-Poisson is not currently coded for n.mix>2")
#   } else if("Binomial"){
#     if(is.null(n)) stop("you must specify the number of trials,
#                         n, to use")
#     cdf = function(x, theta){ pbinom(q = x, size = n, prob = theta) }
#     pdf = function(x, theta){ dbinom(x = x, size = n, prob = theta) }
#   } else if("neg-Binomial"){
#     cdf = function(x, theta){ pnbinom(q = x, size = theta[1], prob = theta[2]) }
#     pdf = function(x, theta){ dnbinom(x = x, size = theta[1], prob = theta[2]) }
#   } else if("gen-Poisson"){ # VP addition
#     cdf = function(x, theta1){ cdf.vec <- rep(-99,length(x))
#     for (i in 1:length(x)) {
#       if (x[i]>=0){
#         cdf.vec[i] <- sum( exp(-(theta1[1]+(0:x[i])*theta1[2]))*theta1[1]*(theta1[1]+(0:x[i])*theta1[2])^((0:x[i])-1)/factorial((0:x[i])))
#       }else{cdf.vec[i] <-0}
#     }
#     return(cdf.vec)}
#     pdf = function(x, theta1){ exp(-(theta1[1]+x*theta1[2]))*theta1[1]*(theta1[1]+x*theta1[2])^(x-1)/factorial(x) }
#   } else{ stop("please specify a valid") }
#   if ((gauss.series=="AR") & (estim.method=="particlesSIS")){
#     if(is.null(p)) stop("you must specify the AR order, p, to use
#                         gauss.series=AR")
#     if(p>2) stop("the ACVF is not coded for AR models of order higher than 2
#                  currently")
#     if(p==1){
#       #set.seed(1)
# = function(a,b){
#         # Generates N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
#         qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
#       }
#       if (is.vector(x)){
#         PDvalues = function(theta, phi, data){
#           #set.seed(1)
#           xt = data
#           T1 = length(xt)
#           N = 10000 # number of particles
#           preddist = matrix(0,2,T1-1) # to collect the values of predictive distribution of interest
#           a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta),0,1)
#           b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta),0,1)
#           a = rep(a,N)
#           b = rep(b,N)
#           zprev =,b)
#           zhat = phi*zprev
#           wprev = rep(1,N)
#           for (t in 2:T1){
#             temp = rep(0,(xt[t]+1))
#             for (x in 0:xt[t]){
#               rt = sqrt(1-phi^2)
#               a = (qnorm(cdf(x-1,theta),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#               b = (qnorm(cdf(x,theta),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#               temp[x+1] = mean(wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1)))/mean(wprev)
#             }
#             err =,b)
#             znew = phi*zprev + rt*err
#             zhat = phi*znew
#             wprev = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
#             if (xt[t]==0){
#               preddist[,t-1] = c(0,temp[1])
#             }else{
#               preddist[,t-1] = cumsum(temp)[xt[t]:(xt[t]+1)]
#             }
#           }
#           return(preddist)
#         }
#       }else{ # this is written just for one covariate, excluding intercept
#         PDvalues = function(theta, phi, data){
#           xt = data[,1]
#           cvt = data[,-1]
#           T1 = length(xt)
#           dd = 1
#           theta0 = theta[1:dd]
#           theta0 = exp(rowSums(matrix(rep(theta0,each=T1),ncol=dd)*cvt))
#           theta1 = cbind(theta0,rep(theta[dd+1],T1))
#           N = 5000 # number of particles
#           preddist = matrix(0,2,T1-1) # to collect the values of predictive distribution of interest
#           a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1[1,]),0,1)
#           b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1[1,]),0,1)
#           a = rep(a,N)
#           b = rep(b,N)
#           zprev =,b)
#           zhat = phi*zprev
#           wprev = rep(1,N)
#           for (t in 2:T1){
#             temp = rep(0,(xt[t]+1))
#             for (x in 0:xt[t]){
#               rt = sqrt(1-phi^2)
#               a = (qnorm(cdf(x-1,theta1[t,]),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#               b = (qnorm(cdf(x,theta1[t,]),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#               temp[x+1] = mean(wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1)))/mean(wprev)
#             }
#             err =,b)
#             znew = phi*zprev + rt*err
#             zhat = phi*znew
#             wprev = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
#             if (xt[t]==0){
#               preddist[,t-1] = c(0,temp[1])
#             }else{
#               preddist[,t-1] = cumsum(temp)[xt[t]:(xt[t]+1)]
#             }
#           }
#           return(preddist)
#         }
#       }
#     } else if(p==2){
#       #set.seed(1)
# = function(a,b){
#         # Generates N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
#         qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
#       }
#       likSIS = function(theta, data){
#         # set.seed(1)
#         theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
#         n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
#         theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 2)
#         phi = theta[theta2.idx]
#         if ( (phi[2]+phi[1]<1) & (phi[2]-phi[1]<1) & (abs(phi[2])<1)){
#           xt = data
#           T1 = length(xt)
#           N = 2000 # number of particles
#           prt = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particles
#           wgh = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particle weights
#           a1 = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1),0,1)
#           b1 = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1),0,1)
#           a1 = rep(a1,N)
#           b1 = rep(b1,N)
#           zprev1 =,b1)
#           zhat1 = phi[1]*zprev1
#           prt[,1] = zhat1
#           wprev = rep(1,N)
#           wgh[,1] = wprev
#           phi0 = if(abs(phi[1])<0.9){phi[1]}else{0.9*sign(phi[1])}
#           rt2 = sqrt(1-phi0^2)
#           a2 = (qnorm(cdf(xt[2]-1,theta1),0,1) - phi[1]*zprev1)/rt2
#           b2 = (qnorm(cdf(xt[2],theta1),0,1) - phi[1]*zprev1)/rt2
#           err2 =,b2)
#           znew2 = phi0*zprev1 + rt2*err2
#           znew = c(znew2,zprev1)
#           zhat2 = sum(phi*znew)
#           prt[,2] = zhat2
#           wgh[,2] = wprev*(pnorm(b2,0,1) - pnorm(a2,0,1))
#           wprev = wgh[,2]
#           zprev = znew
#           for (t in 3:T1)
#           {
#             rt = 1/sqrt( ((1-phi[2])/(1+phi[2])) / ((1-phi[2])^2-phi[1]^2) )
#             a = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t]-1,theta1),0,1) - sum(phi*zprev))/rt
#             b = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t],theta1),0,1) - sum(phi*zprev))/rt
#             err =,b)
#             znew = sum(phi*zprev) + rt*err
#             znew = c(znew,zprev[1])
#             zhat = sum(phi*znew)
#             prt[,t] = zhat
#             zprev = znew
#             wgh[,t] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
#             wprev = wgh[,t]
#           }
#           lik = pdf(xt[1],theta1)*mean(wgh[,T1])
#           nloglik = (-2)*log(lik)
#           out = if ( Inf else nloglik
#           return(out)
#         }else{
#           out = Inf
#           return(out)
#         }
#       }
#     } else{ stop("the p specified is not valid") }
#   }
#   if ((gauss.series=="MA") & (estim.method=="particlesSIS")){ # VP change
#     if(q==1){
#       #set.seed(1)
# = function(a,b){
#         # Generates N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
#         qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
#       }
#       PDvalues = function(theta, tht, data){
#         #set.seed(1)
#         xt = data
#         T1 = length(xt)
#         N = 1000 # number of particles
#         a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1),0,1)
#         b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1),0,1)
#         a = rep(a,N)
#         b = rep(b,N)
#         zprev =,b)
#         rt0 = 1+tht^2
#         zhat = tht*zprev/rt0
#         prt[,1] = zhat
#         wprev = rep(1,N)
#         wgh[,1] = wprev
#         for (t in 2:T1)
#         {
#           rt0 = 1+tht^2-tht^2/rt0 # This is based on p. 173 in BD book
#           rt = sqrt(rt0/(1+tht^2))
#           a = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t]-1,theta1),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#           b = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t],theta1),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#           err =,b)
#           znew = zhat + rt*err
#           zhat = tht*(znew-zhat)/rt0
#           prt[,t] = zhat
#           wgh[,t] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
#           wprev = wgh[,t]
#         }
#         lik = pdf(xt[1],theta1)*mean(wgh[,T1])
#         nloglik = (-2)*log(lik)
#         out = if ( Inf else nloglik
#         return(out)
#       }
#     }else if(q==2){ # VP addition
# = function(a,b){
#         # Generates N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
#         qnorm(runif(length(a),0,1)*(pnorm(b,0,1)-pnorm(a,0,1))+pnorm(a,0,1),0,1)
#       }
#       if (is.vector(x)){
#         PDvalues = function(theta, tht, data){
#             #set.seed(1)
#             xt = data
#             T1 = length(xt)
#             N = 1000 # number of particles
#             preddist = matrix(0,2,T1-1) # to collect the values of predictive distribution of interest
#             gam1 = tht[1]*(1+tht[2])/(1+tht[1]^2+tht[2]^2)
#             gam2 = tht[2]/(1+tht[1]^2+tht[2]^2)
#             a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta),0,1)
#             b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta),0,1)
#             a = rep(a,N)
#             b = rep(b,N)
#             zprev1 =,b)
#             tht11 = gam1
#             zhat1 = tht11*zprev1
#             rt1 = ( 1 - tht11^2 )^(1/2)
#             wprev = rep(1,N)
#             temp = rep(0,(xt[2]+1))
#             for (x in 0:xt[2]){
#               a2 = (qnorm(cdf(x-1,theta),0,1) - zhat1)/rt1
#               b2 = (qnorm(cdf(x,theta),0,1) - zhat1)/rt1
#               temp[x+1] = mean(wprev*(pnorm(b2,0,1) - pnorm(a2,0,1)))/mean(wprev)
#             }
#             err2 =,b2)
#             znew2 = zhat1 + rt1*err2
#             znew_all = cbind(znew2,zprev1)
#             tht22 = gam2
#             tht21 = (gam1 - tht11*tht22)/rt1^2
#             tht_all = cbind(rep(tht21,N),rep(tht22,N))
#             zhat_all = cbind(zhat1,rep(0,N))
#             zhat2 = rowSums(tht_all*(znew_all-zhat_all))
#             rt2 = (1 - tht21^2*rt1^2 - tht22^2)^(1/2)
#             wprev = wprev*(pnorm(b2,0,1) - pnorm(a2,0,1))
#             rt_all = c(rt2,rt1)
#             zhat_all = cbind(zhat2,zhat1)
#             if (xt[2]==0){
#               preddist[,2-1] = c(0,temp[1])
#             }else{
#               preddist[,2-1] = cumsum(temp)[xt[2]:(xt[2]+1)]
#             }
#             for (t in 3:T1)
#             {
#               temp = rep(0,(xt[t]+1))
#               for (x in 0:xt[t]){
#                 a = (qnorm(cdf(x-1,theta),0,1) - zhat_all[,1])/rt_all[1]
#                 b = (qnorm(cdf(x,theta),0,1) - zhat_all[,1])/rt_all[1]
#                 temp[x+1] = mean(wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1)))/mean(wprev)
#               }
#               err =,b)
#               znew = zhat_all[,1] + rt_all[1]*err
#               znew_all = cbind(znew,znew_all[,1])
#               thtt2 = gam2/rt_all[2]^2
#               thtt1 = (gam1 - tht_all[1]*thtt2*rt_all[2]^2)/rt_all[1]^2
#               tht_all = cbind(rep(thtt1,N),rep(thtt2,N))
#               zhat2 = rowSums(tht_all*(znew_all-zhat_all))
#               rt = (1 - thtt1^2*rt_all[1]^2 - thtt2^2*rt_all[2]^2)^(1/2)
#               wprev =  wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
#               rt_all = c(rt,rt_all[1])
#               zhat_all = cbind(zhat2,zhat_all[,1])
#               if (xt[t]==0){
#                 preddist[,t-1] = c(0,temp[1])
#               }else{
#                 preddist[,t-1] = cumsum(temp)[xt[t]:(xt[t]+1)]
#               }
#             }
#             return(preddist)
#         }
#       }else{
#         PDvalues = function(theta, tht, data){
#           #set.seed(1)
#           xt = data[,1]
#           cvt = data[,-1]
#           cvt = cbind(rep(1,length(xt)),cvt)
#           T1 = length(xt)
#           dd = dim(cvt)[2]
#           theta0 = theta[1:dd]
#           theta0 = exp(rowSums(matrix(rep(theta0,each=T1),ncol=dd)*cvt))
#           theta1 = cbind(theta0,rep(theta[dd+1],T1))
#           N = 1000 # number of particles
#           preddist = matrix(0,2,T1-1) # to collect the values of predictive distribution of interest
#           gam1 = tht[1]*(1+tht[2])/(1+tht[1]^2+tht[2]^2)
#           gam2 = tht[2]/(1+tht[1]^2+tht[2]^2)
#           a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1[1,]),0,1)
#           b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1[1,]),0,1)
#           a = rep(a,N)
#           b = rep(b,N)
#           zprev1 =,b)
#           tht11 = gam1
#           zhat1 = tht11*zprev1
#           rt1 = ( 1 - tht11^2 )^(1/2)
#           wprev = rep(1,N)
#           temp = rep(0,(xt[2]+1))
#           for (x in 0:xt[2]){
#             a2 = (qnorm(cdf(x-1,theta1[2,]),0,1) - zhat1)/rt1
#             b2 = (qnorm(cdf(x,theta1[2,]),0,1) - zhat1)/rt1
#             temp[x+1] = mean(wprev*(pnorm(b2,0,1) - pnorm(a2,0,1)))/mean(wprev)
#           }
#           err2 =,b2)
#           znew2 = zhat1 + rt1*err2
#           znew_all = cbind(znew2,zprev1)
#           tht22 = gam2
#           tht21 = (gam1 - tht11*tht22)/rt1^2
#           tht_all = cbind(rep(tht21,N),rep(tht22,N))
#           zhat_all = cbind(zhat1,rep(0,N))
#           zhat2 = rowSums(tht_all*(znew_all-zhat_all))
#           rt2 = (1 - tht21^2*rt1^2 - tht22^2)^(1/2)
#           wprev = wprev*(pnorm(b2,0,1) - pnorm(a2,0,1))
#           rt_all = c(rt2,rt1)
#           zhat_all = cbind(zhat2,zhat1)
#           if (xt[2]==0){
#             preddist[,2-1] = c(0,temp[1])
#           }else{
#             preddist[,2-1] = cumsum(temp)[xt[2]:(xt[2]+1)]
#           }
#           for (t in 3:T1)
#           {
#             temp = rep(0,(xt[t]+1))
#             for (x in 0:xt[t]){
#               a = (qnorm(cdf(x-1,theta1[t,]),0,1) - zhat_all[,1])/rt_all[1]
#               b = (qnorm(cdf(x,theta1[t,]),0,1) - zhat_all[,1])/rt_all[1]
#               temp[x+1] = mean(wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1)))/mean(wprev)
#             }
#             err =,b)
#             znew = zhat_all[,1] + rt_all[1]*err
#             znew_all = cbind(znew,znew_all[,1])
#             thtt2 = gam2/rt_all[2]^2
#             thtt1 = (gam1 - tht_all[1]*thtt2*rt_all[2]^2)/rt_all[1]^2
#             tht_all = cbind(rep(thtt1,N),rep(thtt2,N))
#             zhat2 = rowSums(tht_all*(znew_all-zhat_all))
#             rt = (1 - thtt1^2*rt_all[1]^2 - thtt2^2*rt_all[2]^2)^(1/2)
#             wprev = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
#             rt_all = c(rt,rt_all[1])
#             zhat_all = cbind(zhat2,zhat_all[,1])
#             if (xt[t]==0){
#               preddist[,t-1] = c(0,temp[1])
#             }else{
#               preddist[,t-1] = cumsum(temp)[xt[t]:(xt[t]+1)]
#             }
#           }
#           return(preddist)
#         }
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   PITvalues = rep(0,H)
#   if (gauss.series == "MA"){
#     predd = PDvalues(theta, tht, x)
#   }
#   if (gauss.series == "AR"){
#     predd = PDvalues(theta, phi, x)
#   }
#   predd1 = predd[1,]
#   predd2 = predd[2,]
#   Tr = length(predd1)
#   for (h in 1:H){
#     id1 = (predd1 < h/H)*(h/H < predd2)
#     id2 = (h/H >= predd2)
#     tmp1 = (h/H-predd1)/(predd2-predd1)
#     tmp1[!id1] = 0
#     tmp2 = rep(0,Tr)
#     tmp2[id2] = 1
#     PITvalues[h] = mean(tmp1+tmp2)
#   }
#   PITvalues = c(0,PITvalues)
#   return(diff(PITvalues))
# }
jlivsey/countsFun documentation built on March 9, 2023, 5:19 p.m.